Dr. Annette Vaccaro is a psychotherapist with a general practice in Livingston, NJ. She is an educator as well with a specialization in clinical supervision and private practice development. She is a member of the National Association for the Advancement in Psychoanalysis, American Counseling Association, American Art Therapy Association, the National Association of Social Workers, and the Society of Modern Psychoanalysts. She is a Certified Social Work Supervisor, Approved Counseling Supervisor and a Credentialed Art Therapy Supervisor. She is a licensed clinical social worker in New Jersey. She is affiliated with the Academy of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis www.acapnj.org, the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis www.bgsp.edu, and Caldwell University www.caldwell.edu/programs/counseling-psychology-mental-health-and-art-therapy.